Sale! Sale! Sale! 'End of Bolt Sale' is happening now thru next Saturday! Empty any bolt of fabric and receive 30% off that fabric. This applies to clearance fabrics! In-store only
August 10-17th.

Sandy is participating in the "Row by Row Experience: Sew a Season" Dates: June 1 - August 31, 2024 Visit a shop in person to receive their Row by Row pattern for FREE! Finish a quilt with 8 different 2024 Row by Row row designs! For a quilt to be considered "finished" it needs to be quilted, bound, and labeled. July 1st - September 30th. Be the first to bring your completed 2024 Row by Row quilt into a participating shop to win a bundle of 15 fat quarters! Only one winner per shop, call ahead to make sure they haven't had one yet.
Machine Service Our talented technician will be here on August 25th. Please drop off your machine anytime between NOW and closing on August 24th. We service ALL brands of Sewing, Embroidery, and Sergers! Many common problems can be resolved with a thorough yearly cleaning. Over time old lubricant, dust, and debris can clog up your machine. We do a complete cleaning and remove all old oil, lint, and debris. Apply new oil. Check and reset timing, clearances, and balance. If a part is needed and is over $20, we call for approval. No charge if we can't fix it. General Cleaning Prices. Electronic Machine $110.00 Embroidery Machine $150.00 Embroidery Unit $39.95 Mechanical Machine $99.95 Sergers $110.00

Classes |
Pfaff Sewing Club! First Wednesdays of the month Time: 12-2 pm $15.00 September 4
Sandy is teaching! Sandy has brought back the monthly FREE block!
Pfaff Sewing Club is a great opportunity to learn a new project and make friends at the same time. You do not have to own a Pfaff sewing machine to attend. We have lectures/demos on an exciting project each month, see what's new at Sandy's, have door prizes, show and tell, and have lots of fun. You will receive a pattern for the project demoed/lectured. Everyone attending will receive one door prize ticket, but if you pay at least one week in advance you will receive two tickets. We also have the Pfaff Reference Book door prize drawing for those who remember to bring their Pfaff books.
Remember to bring in your show-n-tells! You will receive an extra door prize ticket for bringing in show-n-tells! The Pfaff Reference Book is $10.00.
Private Lesson with Sandy It is a 2-hour class and is $60.00. Please call to schedule an appointment.
Kimberbell Embroidery Club 2024
Instructor: Sara Instruction Fee:$40 per class Design Fee: $10.00 per month Kit Fee: TBA Aug 22, Sept.12, Oct.17, Nov.14, Dec. 12 Kimberbell Embroidery Club is an in-person embroidery class using the Dealer Exclusive Designs. This class is open to all brands of embroidery machines with a minimum hoop size of 5" x 7". You must know the basics of your machine and how to transfer designs to your machine. This is a HANDS-ON Class! You are welcome to stay after class to keep embroidering!
Kimberbell Happy as a Lark Trapunto Pillow August 22nd, Time 10-2 Instruction Fee: $40.00 Design: $10.00 Optional Kit: $19.99 A trapunto technique gives a delightful dimension to the Happy as a Lark Trapunto Pillow! Surround birds and blossoms with a flange border, then slip over our 8 x 8” Pillow Insert.

Kimberbell Blossom Pin Cushion August 23rd, Time: 10-2 Design Fee: $ 10.00 Instruction Fee: $40 Optional Kit: $8.99 With dimensional petals and an octagon bottom, our Blossom Pin Cushion is a cheerful addition to every sewing room. Make multiples to share with stitching enthusiast friends!

One Block Wonders - Creating your own Masterpiece
Class is Full Instructor: Margret Lewis August 24th Time: 10-4:30 with a 30-minute lunch break Instruction Fee $60.00 Let's cut up some fabric! This class will give you the instruction and skills to fearlessly design and create your own “One Block Wonder” quilt top. A one-block wonder quilt is created by cutting up identical repeats of a fabric (yardage or panel) into 60° triangles and then rearranging each set of triangles into single units. Fabric is included in the Class Fee

Class guidelines: When you pay for a class, it reserves a space for you and you will receive the class supply list. A one-week advance notice of your canceling your reservation is required to receive a refund or transfer. Unless other arrangements have been made with Sandy, all class, pattern, kit, and design fees must be paid before class. Kits will not be cut until they have been paid for. Please do not wear perfumes or scented lotions on the day of class. There are many among us with allergies.